This is how the FNB Eswatini has described the 2022/23 financial year, when delivering its financial year statements yesterday. The bank delivered its statements at the newly-built headquarters during a press briefing. The bank reported to have recorded at least E326.7 million profit before tax, which was an increase when compared to the profit realised in the previous year, which was E287.3 million.
The bank reported that the profits made by the bank showed an upward trend over the years. The bank said the only time they experienced decreases in 2021, simply because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The bank reported that net profit after tax was E245.5 million, while in 2021/22 it was E209.2 million. dividends distributed to shareholders was E158 million for 2022/23 financial year, while it was E139 million in 2021/22.
The bank also reported that its income from operations was E916 million in the 2023 financial year. The bank further reported that there was a strong future growth prospects as 87 per cent were below the age of 50 with 51 per cent below 35.